Monday, 17 December 2012

A Royal Rumble

The most glorious battle in Sports Entertainment.  The Royal Rumble, where everyone who exists as a soverign wrestler will get into the ring and throw his force behind his fists to be the last man standing.  He will make alliances and team up with another wrestler to destroy one, and then double cross him to get him out.  This 'sport' could be a good analogy of well......The world, but quite specifically, the world at war.....

The world is like a wrestling stage, as it's gearing up for the 'Royal Rumble' everyone is saying how mighty and strong they are, and they are going to win, and crush their opponents.  Crazy stereotypes in latex and spandex flexing their muscles and rallying the crowd to get behind them

What a strange time we live in, if you were to look on Google Earth at where you live, and then keep zooming out, you start t see how small we actually are, yet however small, we are all part of a collective fabric that makes all life in this world as chaotic, beautiful, scary and everything else that it is.  The world is all of us, and every action or output into world has a reaction, and that has a reaction, and every little thing, no matter how small, goes on to shape the wider picture.

You cannot escape 2012 theories.  In more and moore conversations people are offering their views to the table, and explaining what the Mayans really meant.  I don't know what's gonna happen myself, so I choose to just accept that there is a great change in the air.  All of my family and friends, and myself have gone through massive changes this year.  Most for the better, and some for the worst.  I know in my heart, that on the wider scale change is happening too, and I may have my own beliefs based on the evidence I see and hear, but I am just going to prepare myself, like brace myself and get ready for something, though not knowing exactly what it is.

Something is happening though, read the headlines this year and they all seem so extreme, and offer pieces to the puzzle that something is happening.  Open genocide in the Middle East, Britain having no summer, just floods, New York under water, proven corrupt people still holding positions of high power, revolts all around the globe.  If the Astronomy is true, and the sun rises at a place in the galaxy that is dead centre, and a new cycle begins, are we on the up, or the down?

I believe we are on the up, when we awake on 22nd December, we will feel like we have a whole new world ahead of us.  It is the closure to old ways and systems that are rotten from within, and will fall.  It will become crazy for a while, as the people who own the structure that runs most of the world, will want to hold on to it, and will keep trying to fix it, but the more it does to sustain itself, the more it is eaten from inside by its corruption.  It cannot survive these technological freedoms and developments, that for the first time in human history can free every single one of us. 

How though?  By clearing the board, and not just starting a new game, but thinking of a new game all together.  We have been playing the old one for hundreds of years, so lets all have a think how we can put the betterment of each and every human being to the forefront of our decisions.  We need something that understands all sides of life and the world and we have some great minds and artists and philosophers in our generation, so put them to work thinking of ways of how life can be more beautiful for everyone.  You never will please everyone of course, but the current system is only pleasing a small percentage.

People are afraid of change though, not everyone, but the majority is.  A prime example is when facebook drastically changed to a time line, and their were so many revolts, groups, people angrily speaking out about being forced into what they had become used to using from changing.  Though the new timeline was a more useful and colourful way to track your digital existance, people had become so used to something that is a part of their life and social and business interactions, that they were afraid of even a similar , only slightly different and more useful format..

But change is constant, and the old systems are pulling one way, and the great minds of art, science and technology are pulling the other way, soon the string will break, and the structures will come tumbling down, and then you gotta face change whether you like it or not.  Look at WW2, after it was over life was different for all of the world.  It was the Royal Rumble, and the winner held the crown and money and growth for a while, but now it is being challenged, and another battle seems like it is brewing in more and more places.  China is building a robotic army and claiming some more land in the Pacific, America is bankrupt.  Britain is boiling up, and the far right charisma of Nigel Farage is resonating in peoples sense of losing their identitty.  Talks of breaking away from a German/French/Italian dominated EU superpower and a divide in Europe.  The Middle East just being a never ending war featuring genocide and other horrible acts against humanity.  

It can only continue so long, until it explodes, and then a new way of life will emerge from the ashes of the old ways.  I hope and feel this change will be for the better.  I know I will watch sunrise on 21st December and feel like it is the start of something new for everyone in this world, and even if we have to fight, it will be worth it, because I know, a change gonna come, yes it is.


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